Deep learning notes 04: Perceivers and Branch specialization


This post if from a series of quick notes written primarily for personal usage while reading random ML/SWE/CS papers. As such they might be incomprehensible and/or flat out wrong.

Perceiver: General Perception with Iterative Attention (arxiv)

  • CNN: Locality exploited by sliding window
  • ViT: Divide picture into (local) patches, attend over them
  • Traditional: self-attention computation and memory n^2 in the number of tokens (|K|*|Q|)
    • NLP: 1000s tokens
    • CV: ideally » 50k pixels
  • Originally NLP transformers: encoder (cross attention) & decoder (self attention)
    • Encoder on input: attends only to input tokens, same number of keys, values and queries
    • Decoder on output: attends to both input and output tokens, input only produces keys and values; not queries
    • -> different amount of (keys, values) and (queries): computational requirements are not strictly quadratic
  • Perceiver: split (queries) and (keys, values) for vision classification models
    • Stack of cross-attention (with input), and few self-attentions (mix, compute) repeated multiple times
    • Cross-attention: queries not based on input, but with arbitrarily smaller dimension N*D N is ~1000
      • Dim of N*M: way smaller than M^2, only linearly on input -> allows video, not-patched images, sound, …
    • Self-attention: queries as well as keys, values based on cross-att.’s queries dim -> arbitrarily small
      • Dim of N^2: independent on input dimensions; uses output of prev. step for values, keys
  • Multiple layers of this cross attentions, self-attentions stack
    • Each cross-attention uses the same input image for calculating (using different weights) keys, values
    • Weights for keys, values (from input), and queries can be shared across repeats -> essentially recurrent neural network
  • Initial queries can be random or learned; queries in later layers are calculated based on earlier layer results
  • Interpretation:
    • Queries: what we would want to know; represent channels
    • Keys: what each pixel represents/offers
  • Fourier features for positional encoding, not learned
  • Results comparable to ResNet without any picture assumptions (apart from 2d positional encoding)
    • ~50 layers, number of parameters comparable to ResNet
  • Attention maps possibly static / dependent only on location instead of input content

Branch specialization: Similar features cluster together

  • When CNNs are branched into multiple sets of channels that don’t allow cross-information sharing -> specialization
    • E.g. on initial portion of AlexNet (split into streams two due to GPU memory limits)
    • Features are not organized randomly as within a normal layer, but grouped/clustered for each branch
    • First group: Black and white Gabor filters, second group: low frequency color detectors
  • Possible explanation:
    • First part of branch is incentivized to form features relevant to second part
    • <=>
    • Second part prefers features which the first half provides primitives for
  • Inception (multiple parallel blocks) and residual networks (unroll parallelly) also feature separate sets of channels
    • Residual networks sidestep requirement to have a lot of parameters to mix values between branches
    • Bigger convolution (i.e. smaller branches) tend to be more specialized (e.g. 5x5 for Inception)
    • Inception happens even across multiple depths:
      • mixed3a_5x5: BW vs Color, brightness, …
      • mixed3b_5x5: curve related, boundary detectors, fur/eye/face detectors, …
      • mixed4a_5x5: complex 3D shapes/geometry
      • -> Very unlikely to happen by chance e.g. for mixed3a_5x5 ~ 1/10^8
  • Specialization is consistent across architectures and tasks
    • The two groups on Alexnet no matter what you train it on (Places, …)
    • Specialized curvature group also common across architectures / datasets
  • Hypothesis: Branching just surfaces structure that already exists
    • Test: weights between 1st and 2nd conv layers -> SVD -> singular vectors: frequency and colors
    • The largest dimension of variation in which neurons connect to which in the next layer
  • Idea: parallels to neuroscience and brain region specialization
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