- MSR: Quantum computing for CS people without fluff. -
- MSR: The simple essence of automatic differentiation. -
- 1/0 = 0 in Pony: Is this definition of division sound? -
- High Frequency Trader’s apology: Why, how, (and how better) from free market’s perspective -
- Inflation: story of reduction to a single variable, redistribution, and accounting identities -
- Crypto/web3 cannot deliver: (de)centralisation isn’t about technology -
- Sampling Natural language models and temperature in GPTx -
- Why Deep Learning Works Even Though It Shouldn’t -
- Deep double descent: more data/bigger model can be detrimental -
- CS231n: Intuitive explanation of backprop (t: 5:40, 28:27) -
- Gradient descent as special cases of PID control -
- Simple RL algs with code: from random search to REINFORCE -
- Correlation and R-Squared -
- Automatic modes detection in multimodal ditributions -
- HyperLogLog: Intuitive explanation of probabilistic set cardinality estimation -
- An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale (Paper Explained) -
- Fast weights: Integrating (not only) Hopfield into DNNs. -
- Performers: approximating attention matrix to mitigate quadratic complexity. -
- Motion illusions: How does brain perceive movement through local detectors. -
- General intelligences: irrelevant anthopocentric concept, evolution, and Turing completness -
- Eulerian video magnification: Amplify subtle changes in video -
- Working hard isn’t getting burned out nor mindless hustling but an active process -
- Net Promoter Score: UX can’t be explained via single noisy scalar -
- Wolfram: Computational irreducibility, hypergraphs, etc. (lexfridman #124) -
- George: Brain-inspired AI, GPT versus symbolic models, etc. (lexfridman #115) -
- Options pattern in Go -
- F# and computational expressions: monads and how variables flow as func args -
- Don of F# teaches Guido of Python -
- Declarative (what), imperative (how), or imperativively declarative IaC -
- Coloring functions: non-blocking without green threads -
- Correlation vector: how to correlate events in distributed micro-service system -
- Kusto/ADE: Building fast distributed query engine for read only data -
- Microsoft REST guidlines: How to design interoperable HTTP APIs -
- Env variables in Windows: How does process/user/machine hierarchy works -
- CORS: Why is it bad, how to handle it, and circumvent it with JSONP -
- Orleans deep dive: Virtual actors and how to manage state (access) in distributed systems -
- Senior/principal level IC archetypes -
- Anders Hejlsberg: types as set theory, null(ability), and much more -
- Pure/inpute segration - only a Sith deal in absolutes -
- QUIC/HTTP3: quick establishable TCP + HTTP2 over encrypted UDP -