Deep learning notes 06: Part-whole hierarchies with GLOM


This post if from a series of quick notes written primarily for personal usage while reading random ML/SWE/CS papers. As such they might be incomprehensible and/or flat out wrong.

GLOM: How to represent part-whole hierarchies in a neural network

  • Idea paper, not an actual implementation
    • How does fixed architecture parse various pictures into part/whole hierarchy that’s different for each input
      • E.g. car is made of cabin, motor, …, cabin out of windows, doors, …
  • Dynamic image parsing sort-of handled by capsule networks
    • First layer capsules represent/recognize lowest level features; capsule for window, door, …; second layer cabin, …
    • Door and window activates cabin capsule, …
    • ~discretization (active/nonactive) over implicit feature hierarchy of CNNs
  • GLOM architecture: large number of same weights columns, one for each spatial location
  • Each column is stack of spatially local autoencoders
    • Each vertically divided into multiple (~5) levels
    • Each level represents patch of image at different resolution/abstraction level
      • Cat’s ear -> furr, part of ear, cat’s head, cat, … ; neck -> furr, part of neck, cat’s neck, cat
      • All locations of cat’s ear will have similar second level activation, all locations in image similar last level activation
    • At each level the activation is embedding vector of that feature at that location ~ CNNs but differently implemented
  • Communication/inference is iterative
    • Between levels (layers) of each column through explicit neural networks
    • Between columns through attention mechanism
    • Iterative approach/eventual consistency forces all locations of a feature to share
  • For layer l, location x, timestep t+1 embedding is:
    • e_t+1,l,x = e_t,l,x + f_td(e_t,l+1,x) f_bu(e_t,l-1,x) + <acrossLoc::below>
      • Last timestep + through NN (f_td, f_bu) above and below level
      • NN functions (f_td, f_bu) weights shared for the same level of all locations
    • Positional encoding added to each input (similar to transformers)
  • Through message passing all locations for certain feature (e.g. Cat’s ear locations) converge on ~appropriate level activation
    • Multiple locations sharing n-th level activation -> an island
    • Following islands from topmost level to the bottom gives us parse hierarchy
      • The higher the bigger features -> the bigger islands; topmost: one island represents the whole image: class
  • For across-location/cross columns information sharing: attention over the same level of all columns
    • Attends not using keys/queries but similarity: Instead of sm(QK^T)V -> sm(XX^T)X
    • -> attends within islands -> converges towards clustering -> similar vectors forced toward similar vectors
  • Issue: on lower level similar things can share information even if they are in different parts of parse tree higher
    • Possible solution: Module attention based on closeness in higher levels of parse tree (higher levels of columns) as well
    • ~the further the less influential: sm(SUM_k=0..L-l λ^k X_l+k * X_l+k^T)X
  • Iterative algorithm, eventual consensus -> embeddings also update -> doesn’t discover clusters but creates them
  • Designed decisions:
    • Locations per patches (CNN) or even per pixel
    • Bottom-up network could look at nearby location but spatial locality could also be done only by the attention mechanism
  • Training
    • Denoising autoencoder: reconstructing corrupted image (missing certain regions)
    • To encourage islands of new identity: regularizer based on contrast learning
      • Crops from same image should agree, from different images disagree -> needs to be done on scene level not lower
  • Represent coordinate transformations: it’s not necessary to have explicit part-whole coordinate transformations
    • Better have it implicit in higher dimensional embedding than explicit in low level (can’t model uncertainty)
  • For video: don’t need to converge for each frame, can move in time within video during convergence
    • I.e. Few iteration steps per each video frame, if changes not too rapid -> should still reach stable higher levels
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